
Overcoming Fear of Loneliness

30 July 2022

October 28, 2022

7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Event Location:

Google Meet


  • Welcome to Mindfulness Series

Feel better, grow and be heard

Mindfulness Series is about getting together to experience, relearn and share as human beings.

Mindfulness Series is to create a community network that in turn creates a social link to talk and listen about different issues that we all go through in our daily life.

Through talking and listening we will improve your mental and physical health by connecting with others.

This will help you to address and resolve unhelpful patterns of behavior and thinking, relieve isolation, increase self-esteem and improve self-awareness.

  • About Talk

We need to talk and take action on loneliness as it has severe impact on your mental and physical health. Loneliness has severe impact on your mental and physical health.

Kalden will give you skills and transformational strategies on how to overcome loneliness.

You will understand what you can do when experiencing different aspect about loneliness.

Kalden will give you clear skills on how to overcome and live a happy and healthy life.


According to a global survey, about 33 percent of adults experienced feelings of loneliness worldwide.

According to google loneliness is a common condition affecting around 1 in 3 adults. It damages your brain, immune system, and can lead to depression and suicide.

Loneliness can also increase your risk of dying prematurely as much as smoking can – and even more so than obesity.


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  • Google Meet

Event Schedule Details

  • October 28, 2022 7:00 pm
  • October 28, 2022 7:00 pm
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